Self-care, WELLNESS

Cherished Memories: Navigating Grief Through Reflection

Cherished Memories stand as threads that weave through our hearts, connecting us to the ones we’ve lost. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of reflecting on cherished memories with late spouses – a journey that is both poignant and, ultimately, a path toward healing and growth. Coping with Overwhelming Emotions: Grief is a complex… Read More Cherished Memories: Navigating Grief Through Reflection

Grieving, WELLNESS

Navigating Grief Through Reflection: A Path to Healing

Grieving is a deeply personal journey, a passage through the complex emotions that accompany loss. To navigate grief is to embark on a transformative process, and one way to traverse this emotional terrain is through reflection. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the intricacies of expressing grief, the facets of healthy grieving, the adaptability to… Read More Navigating Grief Through Reflection: A Path to Healing

Grieving, WELLNESS

Embracing Healing Through Cherished Memories

In the journey of healing, reminiscing about cherished memories with late spouses becomes a powerful catalyst for emotional well-being. Our memories are timeless treasures that weave the fabric of our lives, and as widows, these recollections offer a profound source of comfort and connection. In this post, we delve into the importance of reflecting on… Read More Embracing Healing Through Cherished Memories


Achieving Total Wellness: A Holistic Guide to Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

Achieving Total Wellness: A Holistic Guide to Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health Wellness is a holistic approach to health that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is a state of optimal health and happiness that can be achieved through a combination of healthy habits, self-care, and a positive outlook on life. Physical wellness… Read More Achieving Total Wellness: A Holistic Guide to Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health


Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, we have an exciting solo episode entitled “Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority”. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month —a time to raise awareness of this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic. On the Holistic Wealth Podcast with Keisha Blair, we’re… Read More Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: Making Mental Health A Priority


Keisha Blair’s Book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) Is Now Available for Preorder

Are you ready to take your holistic wealth journey to the next level? With our collective experience of massive disruption during COVID-19, we are all in a collective state of reframing, refocussing and reprioritizing. Keisha Blair’s book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) is exactly the book needed for times were in. The award-winning, bestselling first… Read More Keisha Blair’s Book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) Is Now Available for Preorder


Corporate Burnout, Widowhood and Financial Loss – To Creating A “BlueSkys” Life with Kristina Shea

In this exciting episode of the Holistic Wealth podcast with Keisha Blair, our special guest is Kristina Shea, Founder of BlueSkysLife. Kristina overcame corporate burnout, was widowed twice, suffered from financial and personal losses, including chronic illness to create her company BlueSkysLife. Kristina was was diagnosed with a brain cyst; experiencing vision loss and debilitating… Read More Corporate Burnout, Widowhood and Financial Loss – To Creating A “BlueSkys” Life with Kristina Shea