
Can You Quit Your Job & Join The Great Resignation Wave? Ask Yourself These Four Questions First.

For many of us who have undergone traumatic life experiences, the pandemic has fueled another rethink of life goals. In the United States, according to federal data, the number of people quitting has never been higher in the 20 years the federal bureau has been tracking these statistics. In August, 4.3 million people or 2.9%… Read More Can You Quit Your Job & Join The Great Resignation Wave? Ask Yourself These Four Questions First.


Keisha Blair’s Book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) Is Now Available for Preorder

Are you ready to take your holistic wealth journey to the next level? With our collective experience of massive disruption during COVID-19, we are all in a collective state of reframing, refocussing and reprioritizing. Keisha Blair’s book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) is exactly the book needed for times were in. The award-winning, bestselling first… Read More Keisha Blair’s Book Holistic Wealth (Expanded and Updated) Is Now Available for Preorder