Are You A Mom Who Secretly Likes Getting Sick?

If you’re a single mom or a very young widow with kids, it can be especially hard to get a break. For some moms the reality is sometimes the only way you get a break is if you’re sick. Some moms almost welcome this brief interruption in their life. While we don’t think anyone enjoys getting very, very sick there are some moms out there who actually (secretly) don’t mind being a little under the weather. The thing is, as moms, we don’t exactly get a whole lot of time off, so getting sick is about as relaxing as it gets.  Here are just a few of the reasons why.

1. It helps with the sleep deprivation. New moms are sleep deprived because babies only sleep a few hours at a time. Moms of older kids are sleep deprived because they are busy shuttling kids across town for soccer games, piano lessons or gymnastics several times per week. If you’re a mother of three kids like I am – then multiply that by 3. Afterall, you cant put only 1 child in activities, all of them have to gainfully engaged. Then there are the other chore to handle like keeping the house clean and helping with homework. Moms are tired. Illness leaves us with no other choice but to sleep.

2. We can get assistance from family members or friends closeby. Getting to actually sit down for a solid block of an hour or more sans interruptions is a rarity for many moms. When you’re sick, its likely that you can get help from well-meaning relatives or friends.

chalait matcha tea

Image from Camille

3. We can relax catch-up on the latest herbal remedies at home.  We can catch up on all the latest wellness trends and try them out to fight off colds and flu. Especially in the winter months of January and February when there are all kinds of things going around. Matcha tea has been hailed for its cancer-fighting abilities because of its strong anti-oxidant powers.

4. We’re off the hook when it comes to all domestic chores. Sick moms are not going to be getting after the kids to pick up their toys. They aren’t loading and unloading the wash. Its the one time where moms can relax guilt-free even when the laundry baskets are piling up and overflowing.

5. We are much stronger and more resilient for it. Rest does the body a whole lot of good. Even one day of rest can make the difference between feeling like were on the verge of burnout to being able to carry on for the rest of the week. Getting the opportunity for needed rest is always a good thing.

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